- Personal Saving Account (PSSAVE)
This is saving account designed for conveniently save your money for your future needs at the same time to enjoy favorable benefits and competitive interests.
- Individual operations
- Favorable opening balances
- Free cash and in us cheque
- Get ATM card and free registration to MHB Mobile
- No limitation of withdrawal
- Have unlimited transaction from your account
- Linked to MHB Mobile Banking
- Enjoy free SMS alert on every withdrawal on ATMs
- Eligible to cheque books
- 24hrs banking services through our ATMs
- Enjoy reasonable and yet affordable bank charges
- Personal Salary Account (PLSAVE)
This is an individual employees operations. A saving account opened to facilitate salary payment by a customer whose employer is a corporate of institution client of MHB.
- Minimum operating balance
- Subjected to monthly and transaction
- Earn interest on deposit
- Eligible to ATM card
- Eligible to MHB Mobile Banking
- Easy access for opening account
- Access to personal loan
- Access to salary Advance loan
- It facilitate salary processing/payment
- High benefits as it earns interest
- Mtoto Account (MTSAVE)
This account is opened on behalf of a child. This is a saving account designed to enable parents and guardians to save for their children within the age group of 0-18 years for school fees, medical treatment.
- Opening balance of 10,000/=
- No withdrawal fee
- No monthly ledger fee
- Free ATM bank card
- Withdrawal are restricted to 4 times per annum
- Opened in the names of the minors’ but operated by the registered parent/guardian
- Deposit can be made via alternative channels conveniently MHB wakala, MHB Mobile, and all our Branches
- No monthly maintenance
- It builds and shape the sense or motive of saving culture to the child
- Customer money are safe secured
- Msomi Account (MSPA)
This is a saving account designed for college and university students to enable them to save their allowance and money while at university or college.
- No ledger fee
- No withdraw fee
- Opening Balance TZS. 10,000 (Free ATM)
- Easy access to education loans
- Earn attractive interest
- Eligible for MHB visa Card
- MHB mobile Banking
- Getting free SMS alert on every withdrawal on MHB ATMs
- Enjoy limited transactions from your account
- Enjoy other Banking channels like MHB wakala , ATMs , MHB Branches
- Customer money are safe and secured
- Premium Current Account (PRMCA)
Premium current account this is an account that exclusive and personalized services carefully packaged for our High Net worth Customers. The service guarantees a seamless and pleasurable banking experience in keeping with customer’s lifestyle.
- It operates by individual through cheque leaf
- No limit on withdrawal
- Linked with MHB Mobile Banking
- Preferential premium rates on our insurance products
- Customers financial needs will be met and delivered in exceptional banking experiences that strive to give customers time for more
- Malengo Saving Account (MSAP)
- Opening Balance: TZS 100,00/-
- Minimum Balance: TZS 100,000/-
- No ledger fee
- No ATM cards
- Foreign Currency Saving Account
This account is designed for cash foreign exchange transactions for all Customers. We offer option interest bearing settlement for amounts USD 5,000.00 or EURO 5,000.00
- Enable to get MHB ATM cards
- Eligible for both retail and corporate clients
- We offer special and negotiable rates for amounts above USD 5000.00 or the equivalent in other currencies
- With the fixed exchange rate, customers are able to plan future cash flows for accurate budgeting.
- Fixed Deposit Account
This is account that involve a time deposit with fixed terms where a certain amount is kept in the account for pre - determined fixed time (Investment duration ranges from 3 or 6 or 12 or 24 months) and interest rate of up to 5%
- Renewable investment enable customers to maximize his/her interest
- Enable to access an overdraft facility in case of need (It is used as a collateral for loan)
- Risk free investment with guaranteed return
- Interest is paid on maturity
- Investment duration ranges from 3 or 6 or 12 or 24 months
- It can be renewed as per customer’s instructions
- It can be opened in either of TZS, USD and EURO
- Funds are invested in fixed period
- Special Deposit
This is account that involve a time deposit with fixed terms where a certain amount is kept in the account for pre - determined fixed time. It is special because it involves special contract agreement.
- Fixed and depend on the contract
- Compulsory deposit to secure either loans or guarantee
- Interest rate will depend on the negotiation
- It can be renewed as per customer’s instructions
- It can be opened in either of TZS, USD and EURO
- Funds are invested in fixed period
- Interest is paid on maturity